About the product
Rosval Heat bridge
The function of a heat bridge is to keep and eventually serve products and plates at the correct temperature. These are often placed at the pass where dishes are brought from the kitchen to the restaurant.

About the product
The function of a heat bridge is to keep and eventually serve products and plates at the correct temperature. These are often placed at the pass where dishes are brought from the kitchen to the restaurant.
Rosval makes stainless-steel heat bridges in any size for your restaurant or institution. You can regulate the temperature yourself with settings ranging from 1 to 12. You can choose for halogen, ceramic, or infrared heaters.
Want to have a look inside our kitchen? Come and visit us at the Rosval Experience Centres, where you can see and experience the Rosval commercial kitchen products. Contact us for more information or make an appointment with one of our project consultants. We’re always happy to help!
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