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Orangerie & Feestzaal ’t Krekelhof

With a view of the Albert Canal and a location close to the city centre of Hasselt, ‘t Krekelhof makes for a fine place to relax. This expressive location is where Jeroen Leenaerts and Chef Gert Maessen specialized in the following: providing dinners and hosting parties for groups of fifteen or more people in six different halls.


The deciding factor in opting for Rosval was the visit to Rosval’s factory in Best (NL). This resulted in a complete commercial kitchen design including two plancha grills and eight large gas burners.

Two large induction plates were installed in a small recessed part of the stove to ensure that home-made soups and sauces can be processed easily. The extraction hood, a veritable masterpiece, is connected to the extraction hood for the ovens and deep fat fryers thanks to a single welding seam. In other words, there is no ceiling between them, resulting in a single, aesthetic, stainless steel extraction feature on the ceiling.

A visual highlight of the kitchen is the seven-metre-long kitchen line, fitted with three zones of halogen heating lamps which can operate independently.

‘t Krekelhof





Rosval P&D is i.v.m. kerstvakantie gesloten van 25 december 2024 tot en met 05 januari 2025.

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Wij wensen u hele fijne feestdagen en een gezond 2025!